Technically it's still autumn, but if I told you I live in New Hampshire, and you know it's the very last week of November, you will probably make some assumptions about the weather I am currently experiencing. Indeed, an acquaintance told me about the soft, fluffy snow in her yard, the first blanketing snow of the season. She lives in New Mexico, however. In New Hampshire this season, we're expecting a big storm on December 1st -- a rain storm, with temperatures in the 60s. Now, to be fair, some of the higher elevations in the western regions like the Monadnocks have had an inch of snow on the ground earlier this month, and the White Mountains way up north are indeed probably very white right now -- look, check for yourself -- but in the central and southern part of the state where most New Hampshirites live, we got nada. And keep in mind that when I say "southern part of the state", I don't mean the part that borders Alabama. Southern New Hampshire is north of places like Buffalo, Detroit and Chicago in terms of latitude. Of course, the wee bit of Rockingham County that touches the ocean will likely be a bit warmer than the inland areas and stay snow-free for a while longer, but still... I think I'm developing a case of snow-envy.
Picture from here.
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